There is a lot of fun to be had in cleaving through hordes of monsters in a fast-paced combat environment, while slowly learning new skills and finding more powerful gear to make the player character stronger. Torchlight II is never going to win any awards for innovation or originality, as the gameplay is so close to that of the Diablo series that you would be forgiven for thinking that it's a mod for Diablo III. This might sound like a criticism, but Torchlight II retains all of the addictive and fun gameplay of the series that inspired it.

The gameplay of Torchlight II will be familiar to anyone who has played an entry in the Diablo series. The part of the story concerning the protagonist of the first game being corrupted by evil and becoming the villain of the second game is also the premise of Diablo II, which is just one of the many comparisons that exist between these two series. The player takes on the role of a new hero, who must go on a quest to save the world from the possessed Alchemist, which involves seeking out the six Elemental Guardians for their aid in protecting the elements of the natural world. The story of Torchlight II continues on from the first game in the series, as the Alchemist protagonist of Torchlight has been corrupted by the Ember Blight and has fallen to evil. It's not hard to realize what game series inspired the creation of Torchlight II, but that doesn't stop it from being a fun game that follows the tried and true tradition of slaying monsters in order to steal their possessions. Torchlight II is an action RPG from 2012 that has been ported to modern systems, including the Nintendo Switch, for the first time. Torchlight II is an action RPG that serves the role of a more light-hearted (but still incredibly fun) alternative to the Diablo series on the Nintendo Switch.